Mulch Installation

Mulch Installation

Moisture Retention: Many plants need constant moisture, mulch and rock help to keep the soil moist for longer periods of time than just plain dirt. It also slows the evaporation of moisture and reduces the need for frequent watering.

Soil Temperature Control: It serves as an insulation for the soil and slows the temperature change. In the spring it helps to keep the soil cooler and absorbs some of the sun's rays. When the temperature begins to drop in the fall the mulch or rock helps to retain the heat allowing plants to continue to grow longer.

Weed Control: Healthy plant growth will help push out some weed growth, but a layer of mulch or rock will smother the unwanted weed growth in your landscaping beds. A layer of mulch or rock will help to prevent sunlight from reaching the dirt below so weeds aren't able to grow as easy. When weeds do grow, they're generally easy to remove because they haven't been able to develop a deep root because of the mulch and healthy plants surrounding.